UK Start UP Visa

UK Start UP Visa

The UK Start Up visa is an exciting new opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to start their business in Britain. This more flexible program replaced the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa,

The UK Start Up visa is a new way for ambitious entrepreneurs to set up their first business in Britain. and no initial funding needs apply–you can even start your company with just £1!

As one of our most innovative visas experts here at Global Connections we specialize exclusively on helping applicants navigate through this process so they get off successfully – all while making sure that appropriate criteria are met both at endorsement stage AND when applying through

To live and work in the UK as an entrepreneur, you need a little help from us. We can provide assistance with setting up your business here through our specialist start-up visa experts who will make sure that all of your criteria are satisfied at both endorsement and application stages so that it’s easy for bright minds like yours to come explore what opportunities await!


This company helps people to draft their business plans and get them approved. They will work with you every step of the way, from creating a holistic picture that takes into account marketing strategy as well as financials so it’s not just one or two things being overlooked but rather an overall look at how your entire operation can function more effectively

Business Idea Validation (Innovation)

The process of validating business ideas is complex and time consuming, with many steps needed on both sides. It’s important to remember that your validation does not end once you’ve created the idea; it continues by understanding how others might see value in what was once just an original thought-processes need more than anything else if they’re going to  be successful!

Commercial Viability Assessment (Viability)

The process of validating business ideas is complex and time consuming, with many steps needed on both sides. It’s important to remember that your validation does not end once you’ve created the idea; it continues by understanding how others might see value in what was once just an original thought-processes need more than anything else if they’re going to  be successful!

Route to Market and Business Expansion Strategy (Scalability)

The process of validating business ideas is complex and time consuming, with many steps needed on both sides. It’s important to remember that your validation does not end once you’ve created the idea; it continues by understanding how others might see value in what was once just an original thought-processes need more than anything else if they’re going to  be successful!

Financial Forecasting (3 years)

This company helps people to draft their business plans and get them approved. They will work with you every step of the way, from creating a holistic picture that takes into account marketing strategy as well as financials so it’s not just one or two things being overlooked but rather an overall look at how your entire operation can function more effectively

consultancy services

Business Idea Pitching to your Chosen Endorsement Body

Business idea pitching to the right people is a must. Endorsed bodies can be an excellent source for new product ideas and investment opportunities, but you need to know how they work in order get your proposal through!